On 8 February 2021 LINGVOBALT translator and reviewer Silvija Naranovič-Skurdauskienė made a presentation to the students of the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies of Vilnius University Philology Faculty. She covered the translators‘ work specifics and details that might help determine the translator‘s professional qualification. Silvija also explained some seemingly minor mistakes that take up a lot of reviewer‘s time and shape the image of a professional translator. She shared some specific tips about translating all kinds of documents (such as certificates, powers of attorney, etc.) and applicable requirements. Prof. Dr. Nijolė Maskaliūnienė, Head of the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies, says that the presentation was particularly useful for Bachelor and Master students and provided a valuable insight into how to ensure high quality translations. LINGVOBALT has been cooperating with the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies for many years, participating in different industry events and accepting its students for traineeships.